8 Key Pycharm Configuration Settings

8 Key Pycharm Configuration Settings

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Updated by Ashirafu Kibalama on June 09, 2024

Mastering PyCharm: A Comprehensive Guide to Configuration Settings

PyCharm is a popular IDE for Python developers, offering robust features and a user-friendly interface.

Customizing its configuration settings can significantly improve coding efficiency.

This post will explore essential configuration settings, from project-specific settings to version control integration, to help you optimize your PyCharm experience.

Join us as we uncover the full potential of PyCharm through effective configuration!

Eight key Configuration Settings in PyCharm

1) Project Settings

Project settings apply to the specific project you are working on.

Project Interpreter:

Go to File > Settings (or Preferences on macOS) > Project: <project name> > Python Interpreter.  

Project: <new> (for this case)> Python Interpreter.

Configure which Python interpreter (and virtual environment, if any) to use for the project.

    So here you can add the python interpreter if any and click ok:

    Project Structure:

    Go to File > Settings (or Preferences on macOS) > Project: <project name> > Project Structure.  

      Defines the content roots, source roots, test sources, and excluded folders for the project.

      2) Editor Settings

      These settings control the behaviour and appearance of the code editor.


      Go to File > Settings > Editor > Font.

      Then click font:

      Here, you can modify the font, font size and line height.

      We also have the typography settings, where you can modify the bold weight.

      Code Style:

      Go to File > Settings > Editor > Code Style.

      Then this appears and go on to click editor:

      Then this page appears:

      Customize coding standards such as indentation, braces placement, and code formatting rules.

      However, it's better to leave these settings as default. 


        Go to File > Settings > Editor > Inspections.

        Then click editor after clicking settings:

        Then click inspections:

        Configure the level of code analysis PyCharm performs, including syntax checks, code smells, and potential bugs.

        Color Scheme:

          Go to File > Settings > Editor > Color Scheme.

          Then click color scheme:

          Adjust the colour scheme for syntax highlighting, background, and other UI elements.

          Editor Tabs:

            Go to File > Settings > Editor > General > Editor Tabs.

            Configure tab placement, closing policy, and behaviour of the editor tabs.

            3) Version Control Settings

            This involves Managing version control integration and settings.

            VCS (Version Control System):

              Go to File > Settings > Version Control.

              Set up version control for your project, choose the VCS you want to use (Git, SVN, etc.), and configure VCS-specific settings.

              4) Build, Execution, Deployment

              This involves settings related to running and deploying your code.

              Build Tools:

                Go to File > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools.

                Configure tools like Maven, Gradle, or others if your project involves them.

                5) Plugins

                Manage and configure plugins to extend PyCharm's functionality.


                  Go to File > Settings > Plugins.

                  Browse, install, update, and manage plugins from the JetBrains repository or third-party sources.

                  Then click plugins.

                  6) Tools

                  Settings for various tools and integrations.

                  External Tools:

                    Go to File > Settings > Tools > External Tools.

                    Configure external tools that you can run directly from PyCharm.


                      Go to File > Settings > Tools > Terminal.

                      Customize the built-in terminal emulator, including shell path and environment variables.

                      7) Appearance & Behavior

                      Overall appearance and general behaviour of the IDE.


                        Go to File > Settings > Appearance & Behavior > Appearance.

                        Customize the look and feel of the IDE, including themes, UI scaling, and font settings.

                        font settings:

                        System Settings:

                          Go to File > Settings > Appearance & Behavior > System Settings.

                          Configure startup/shutdown behaviours, update settings, and other system-wide preferences.

                          8) Keymap

                          Customize keyboard shortcuts.


                            Go to File > Settings > Keymap.

                            Modify or create new keymaps to fit your preferred shortcuts for various commands and actions.


                            These settings help tailor PyCharm to your needs, enhancing productivity and making development more efficient.

                            Adjusting these settings can significantly improve your development workflow and overall experience with the IDE.

                            You can customize project settings, fine-tune the editor, integrate version control, and use various tools and plugins to create an ideal coding environment.

                            We hope this guide has given you the insights and knowledge to harness PyCharm's full potential.

                            Happy coding, and may your development journey be smooth and productive with your newly optimized PyCharm setup!

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