Best 2 Free Weather APIs without API Key or Authentication or Subscription Required With Python Examples

Best 2 Free Weather APIs without API Key or Authentication or Subscription Required With Python Examples

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Updated by Ashirafu Kibalama on September 16, 2024

"Top 2 Free Weather APIs with Python Examples and No API Key or Authentication Required." (with a Step-by-Step YouTube Video Guide)

Weather data is essential for various applications, from simple hobby projects to complex data-driven services.

However, many developers need help accessing reliable, free weather data without cumbersome API keys or authentication processes.

In this blog, we will explore the best two free weather APIs that do not require an API key or any form of authentication.

These APIs make integrating weather data into your Python applications easier.

We will also discuss the limitations of free weather APIs, providing a balanced view of what you can expect regarding data availability, accuracy, and usability.

Additionally, we have included a step-by-step YouTube video guide to walk you through the process visually.

Whether you're wondering if there is a free weather API without a subscription or simply looking for hassle-free options to get started with weather data integration, this guide has you covered.

Top 2 Free Weather APIs with Python Examples and No API Key or Authentication Required or Subscription Required

Watch my YouTube video for Best 2 Free Weather APIs without API Key or Authentication or Subscription Required With Python Examples

1) wttr.in:

Wttr.in: This service lets users fetch weather information directly via a URL without needing an API key, authentication, or subscription.

  • Example usage: 


How to use wttr.in?

a) Basic Usage.

To get the weather for a specific location, you can use:

import requests

city = 'new york'

# Construct the URL for the API request
url = f'https://wttr.in/{city}'

# Make the request
response = requests.get(url)

# Print the response


b) Customizing the Output Format.

Using format codes, you can customize the output format. The format parameter lets you specify what information you want and how it should be displayed.

This request will return a string with the current weather conditions in New York, for example:

import requests

city = 'new york'

# Construct the URL for the API request
url = f'https://wttr.in/{city}?format=3'

# Make the request
response = requests.get(url)

# Print the response


c) Supported Format Codes.

Here are some standard format codes you can use:

  • %C - Weather condition
  • %c - Weather condition symbol
  • %t - Temperature
  • %h - Humidity
  • %w - Wind
  • %p - Precipitation
  • %m - Moon phase

You can combine these codes to get a custom output.

This request will return a string with the current weather conditions in New York, for example:

import requests

city = 'new york'

# Construct the URL for the API request
url = f'https://wttr.in/{city}?format=%c+%C+%t+%m'

# Make the request
response = requests.get(url)

# Print the response


d) Viewing the Weather in Terminal

You can also view the weather directly in your terminal using curl or wget:

Using curl wttr.in/<location>: Example Usage New Delhi:



Using wget wttr.in/<location>: Example Usage Mumbai:


2) Open-Meteo:

This API provides free weather data without requiring an API key, without authentication or subscription.

  • Example endpoint:

# Construct the URL for the API request
url = f'https://api.open-meteo.com/v1/forecast?latitude={latitude}&longitude={longitude}&hourly=temperature_2m'

To use the Open-Meteo API to fetch hourly temperature forecasts, you can request an HTTP GET to the endpoint with the specified latitude and longitude parameters. 

This will return a JSON response with the requested data. Below are steps and a Python example to illustrate using this API.

import requests

# Specify the latitude and longitude

latitude = 0.347596 # change to your locations
longitude = 32.582520 # change to your locations

# Construct the URL for the API request
url = f'https://api.open-meteo.com/v1/forecast?latitude={latitude}&longitude={longitude}&hourly=temperature_2m'

# Get the weather data
response = requests.get(url)
data = response.json()

# Print the raw response text

# Print the hourly temperature data
print("Hourly temperatures at 2 meters above ground:")
for hour, temp in enumerate(data['hourly']['temperature_2m']):
print(f'hour: {hour} - {temp}°C')


This script can be customized for different locations by changing the latitude and longitude values. 

It can also be extended to handle additional parameters or to parse and display more detailed weather information.

8 Limitations of Free Weather APIs

Free weather APIs offer valuable services for many users but have certain limitations. Here are some key points to consider:

1) Data Limits and Rate Limits:

    • Data Limits: Free APIs often provide limited data access. They may restrict the type of weather data available (e.g., only current weather, not historical or forecast data).
    • Rate Limits: Free tiers typically enforce strict rate limits, capping the number of API calls made per minute, hour, or day. This can be restrictive for applications requiring frequent updates.

2) Accuracy and Reliability:

    • Free weather APIs may not offer the same data accuracy and reliability as paid services. They might use less sophisticated models or rely on fewer data sources.
    • The granularity of data might be lower, meaning less precise geographic and temporal information.

3) Feature Limitations:

    • Advanced features such as severe weather alerts, detailed forecasts, historical data, and integration with other data sources might be unavailable or limited in the free tier.
    • Customization options for data retrieval and presentation might be restricted.

4) Support and Documentation:

    • Free APIs often offer minimal customer support. Users may resolve issues using community forums or limited documentation.
    • The quality and comprehensiveness of documentation can vary, potentially making it harder to implement and troubleshoot.

5) Commercial Use Restrictions:

    • Many free weather APIs come with restrictions on commercial use. They might be intended only for personal or non-commercial projects.
    • Licensing agreements may prohibit certain types of usage or limit the extent to which the data can be redistributed.

6) Data Freshness and Timeliness:

    • Data from free APIs might not be as up-to-date as paid services, and there could be delays in the availability of the latest weather information.
    • Real-time updates might be less frequent, affecting the usefulness of the data for time-sensitive applications.

7) Geographic Coverage:

    • Free APIs might offer limited geographic coverage, focusing on specific regions while providing less or lower-quality data for others.
    • Some APIs may not support international locations as comprehensively as paid services.

8) Scalability:

    • Free APIs may not be suitable for high-traffic applications. As usage grows, hitting rate limits or experiencing slow response times can become a significant issue.
    • Scaling up often requires migrating to a paid plan or switching to a different service provider.

It's important to recognize these limitations when selecting a weather API for a project.

While free options can be great for initial development, testing, or small-scale applications, more robust solutions might be necessary for more extensive, commercial, or critical applications.


In this blog, we've discussed two free weather APIs that don't require authentication. 

While they offer easy access, considering their limitations, such as data accuracy and rate limits, is essential. 

With the Python examples and YouTube guide provided, you should be ready to use these free weather APIs. 

Thank you for following along! Feel free to reach out with any questions or feedback. Happy coding!

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