What is the OS module in Python, and what are its uses?

What is the OS module in Python, and what are its uses?

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Updated by Ashirafu Kibalama on September 17, 2024

"What is the purpose of the OS module in Python, and how is it utilized?"

What is the OS module in Python?

The OS module in Python is a standard library module that provides a way to use operating system-dependent functionality.

It allows you to interface with the underlying operating system in a platform-independent manner.

This includes file and directory operations, environment variable manipulation, and process management.

6 Uses of os Module in Python

The os module in Python uses operating system-dependent functionality, for example, reading or writing to the file system, handling directories, and accessing environment variables. Here are some common uses of the os module:

1) Working with Directories:

The OS Module in Python is used when working with Directories to get the current working Directory, change a directory, and list its contents.

Get Current Working Directory:

os.getcwd() # Getting the Current Working Directory


cwd = os.getcwd() # Getting the Current Working Directory



Change Directory:

os.chdir('/path/to/new_directory') # Changing the Current Working Directory

List Directory Contents:

os.listdir('/path/to/new_directory') # List Directory Contents


ldc = os.listdir(r'C:\Users\User\Desktop\variables_python') # List Directory Contents


2) File and Directory Operations:

The OS Module in Python is used in file and directory operations to create directories, create intermediate directories, remove directories, remove paths, and rename files or directories.

Create Directory:

os.mkdir(path) # Create Directory


os.mkdir(r'C:\Users\User\Desktop\variables_python\blog_post') # Create Directory


Create Intermediate Directories:

os.makedirs(path) # Create Intermediate Directories


os.makedirs(r'C:\Users\User\Desktop\variables_python\make_inter\blog') # Create Intermediate Directories


Remove Directory:

os.rmdir(path) # Remove Directory

Remove File:

os.remove(path) # Remove File

3) Environment Variables:

The OS Module in Python is used to get and set environment variables.

Get Environment Variable:

os.getenv('VARIABLE') # Get Environment Variable

Set Environment Variable:

os.environ['key'] # set Environment Variable

4) Path Operations:

The OS Module in Python is used to join paths, check if Path exists, if Path is a file, if Path is a directory, get absolute Path and split Path into head and tail.

Join Paths:

os.path.join(path1, path2) # join paths

Check if Path Exists:

os.path.exists(path) # Check if Path Exists

Check if Path is a File:

os.path.isfile(path) # Check if Path is a File

Check if Path is a Directory:

os.path.isdir(path) # Check if Path is a Directory

Get Absolute Path:

os.path.abspath(path) # Get Absolute Path

Split Path into Head and Tail:

os.path.split(path) # Split Path into Head and Tail

5) Process Management:

The OS Module in Python is used for process management. It gets process IDs, gets parent process IDs, and executes a system command.

Get Process ID:

os.getpid() # Get Process ID

Get Parent Process ID:

os.getppid() # Get Parent Process ID

Execute a System Command:

os.system(command) # Execute a System Command


os.system('echo "Hello World!"') # Execute a System Command


6) OS Information:

The OS Module in Python is used for getting OS information, such as the Name of the OS module imported.

Getting OS Information:

os_name = os.name # Name of the OS module imported


The os module is very powerful and provides a wide range of functionalities to interact with the operating system, making it essential for many Python scripts and applications that need to perform OS-level tasks.

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