With an Example Fix: Sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (sqlite3.OperationalError) No Such Column:

With an Example Fix: Sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (sqlite3.OperationalError) No Such Column:

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Updated by Ashirafu Kibalama on June 04, 2024

With an Example Learn To Fix: Sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (sqlite3.OperationalError) No Such Column:

This error message: "sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (sqlite3.OperationalError) no such column:" typically indicates a mismatch between your SQLAlchemy model definition and the actual structure of your SQLite database. 

To fix this issue, ensure the column exists in your table definition.

Here are some actions you can take to resolve the issue:

4 Ways To Fix: Sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (sqlite3.OperationalError) No Such Column:

For sure, one of these four ways must help you fix the error:

1) Migration

If you modified your model definition after creating the SQLite database, you may need to perform a migration to update the database schema. Tools such as Flask-Migrate can assist you in managing database migrations in SQLAlchemy.

Flask-Migrate is an extension for Flask that integrates Alembic into a Flask application to handle database migrations. 

Here's how you can use Flask-Migrate to manage database migrations in a Flask application:

8 Steps For Flask-Migrate To Manage Database Migrations in a Flask Application:

Step 1:

Right-click on your project file, then click open in and click terminal.

Step 2:

Pip install Flask-Migrate. The installation will start automatically, as shown below:

pip install Flask-Migrate

Step 3:

Ensure you have the required imports and configuration to configure the database connection:

from flask import Flask
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
from flask_migrate import Migrate

Step 4:

To create a migration repository, execute the following command and  click enter:

flask db init

If this error:

 "Error: Could not locate a Flask application. Use the 'flask --app' option, 'FLASK_APP' environment variable, or a 'wsgi.py' or 'app.py' file in the current directory."

2 Methods For Fixing Error: could not locate a Flask application. Use the 'flask --app' option, 'FLASK_APP environment variable, or a 'wsgi.py' or 'app.py' file in the current directory.  using Unix-like shell (such as Bash) or Windows PowerShell.

1) Using Windows PowerShell:

If you're using Windows PowerShell, the syntax for fixing error: could not locate a Flask application. Use the 'flask --app' option, 'FLASK_APP environment variable, or a 'wsgi.py' or 'app.py' file in the current directory as follows:

If this does not occur, please skip this part and  go to Step 5 else, let's fix the error:

Fix Error: Could not locate a Flask application. Use the 'flask --app' option, 'FLASK_APP' environment variable, or a 'wsgi.py' or 'app.py' file in the current directory.

This error usually occurs when Flask can't locate the main Flask application object. Here are some steps to fix it:

  • Check File Names Ensure your main Flask application file is set to FLASK_APP and is named either wsgi.py or app.py, as Flask looks for these by default.


set FLASK_APP=app.py

Then click enter;

  • Set FLASK_APP Environment Variable: If your main file has a different name, you can set the FLASK_APP environment variable to point to your main application file. For example:

$env:FLASK_APP = "main.py"

  •  Run Flask with --app Option: When running the Flask command, you can specify the main Flask application file using the --app option. For example:

flask run --app=main.py

2) Using Unix-like shell (such as Bash):


If you are facing this error: bash: :FLASK_APP: command not found:

You're encountering issues while setting the FLASK_APP environment variable in a Unix-like shell (such as Bash). The correct syntax for setting environment variables in Bash is without spaces around the equal sign. Here's the proper way to set the FLASK_APP environment variable:

If you're using Unix-like shell (such as Bash), the syntax for fixing error: could not locate a Flask application. Use the 'flask --app' option, 'FLASK_APP environment variable, or a 'wsgi.py' or 'app.py' file in the current directory as follows:

set FLASK_APP=app.py
export FLASK_APP=main.py

  • Set FLASK_APP Environment Variable: If your main file has a different name, you can set the FLASK_APP environment variable to point to your main application file. For example:

Ensure you run this command in the terminal where you intend to run your Flask application. 

After setting the environment variable, you can then run your Flask application using the flask run command.

  • Run flask:

flask run --app=main.py

 So now error: could not locate a Flask application. Use the 'flask --app' option, 'FLASK_APP environment variable, or a 'wsgi.py' or 'app.py' file in the current directory. is now fixed and solved when using Unix-like shell (such as Bash) or Windows PowerShell.

Step 5:

Again create a migration repository using this command and click enter:

flask db init

To fix Error: No such command 'db'.

Add this line:

migrate = Migrate(app, db)

like in this example below:

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:///mydatabase.db'
db = SQLAlchemy(app)
migrate = Migrate(app, db)

Again create a migration repository using this command and click enter:

flask db init

Step 6:

Generate Migration: Flask-Migrate can generate a migration script for your models after making changes. Run the following command in your terminal:

flask db migrate -m "add post status column to Posts model"

And click enter:

This command will create a new migrations/versions directory migration script. The -m flag enables you to add a message to clarify the purpose of the migration.

Step 7:

Apply Migration: After generating the migration script, you can apply it to update your database schema.

flask db upgrade

Click enter:

Step 8:

Each time you apply changes to the database schema, repeat Step 6: Generate Migration and Step 7: Apply Migration. 

2) Check Model Definition

Review your SQLAlchemy model definition to ensure that it accurately reflects the structure of your table, including the column names.

from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy

db = SQLAlchemy()

class User(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'users'

id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
username = db.Column(db.String(50))
email = db.Column(db.String(100))

In this example, we have a User model with three columns: emailusername, and id. The id column - "primary key", and both username and email are string columns.

To ensure that your model definition accurately reflects the structure of your database table, follow these steps:

  • Check Column Names: Verify that the column names in your model match those in your database table. For instance, ensure that your model's username column corresponds to the username column in your user's table.

  • Check Column Types and Constraints: Verify that the data types and constraints (such as length constraints) defined in your model match those in your database table. For example, if the username column in your users table can store up to 50 characters, ensure that the corresponding SQLAlchemy column is defined as db.String(50).

  • Check Relationships: If your model includes relationships with other tables, ensure that these relationships are defined correctly and accurately represent the structure of your database schema.

  • Check Table Name: Verify that the __tablename__ attribute in your model matches the actual table name in your database. For example, if your User model is mapped to a table named users, ensure that the __tablename__ attribute in your model is also set to 'users'.

By carefully reviewing your SQLAlchemy model definition in this manner, you can ensure that it accurately reflects the structure of your database table. 

It helps prevent mismatches between your model and your database schema, which can lead to errors such as the OperationalError: no such column error you encountered earlier.

3) Data Integrity

Ensure that you're accessing the correct database file. Sometimes, if you're working with multiple database files or using an in-memory database, the changes might need to be reflected where you expect them to be.

4) Recreate Database

If everything fails and you're working in a development environment where data loss is acceptable, consider recreating the SQLite database from scratch. 

It ensures that the schema matches your SQLAlchemy model definition.

Warning: Do not check "safe delete." Leave it unchecked, click OK to delete and restart your pycharm. 

However, all your data will be lost, but the error will be fixed. This must be the last option.

The error should be resolved once you've identified and corrected the mismatch between your model definition and the actual database schema. 

Remember to test thoroughly to ensure that your application behaves as expected.

Please let us know if this post was helpful in resolving your issue or if there is anything else we should include. 

Your feedback is highly valued.

Thank you, and Happy coding!

Related Posts:

1) With an Example Fix: Flask Migrate is not Working in Sqlalchemy 

2) With an Example Fix: How To Delete Existing Migration Files Flask Python / Directory migrations already exists and is not empty

3) Which is Better, SQLite or SQLAlchemy?

4) What Are The Purposes of Flask-SQLAlchemy in Python? 

5) When Should You Use SQLAlchemy? 

6) What are The Major Benefits of Using SQLAlchemy in Python?

7) What are The Differences Between Flask-SQLAlchemy and SQLAlchemy? 

8) What are The Disadvantages of Flask-SQLAlchemy?

9) Sqlalchemy-migrate vs Alembic 

10) Flask-migrate vs Alembic